Friday, March 26, 2010

Activity 9 - Journals - March 2010

March 4, 2010

We worked on getting started with the module procedure.
This module is working with the embroidery machine.
We are working on our blogs too.
We worked with the media, hands on and then took a test.

March 8, 2010

Worked on module again today.
Follow sequence which is media, workbook and then test.
I worked with my partners using the computer.
We used paint to add color to a balloon image for the embroidery machine.
When we were finished the teacher would sign off our work.
We finished the day with journaling in our blog.

March 10, 2010

Worked on module some more today.
Followed sequence like before.
There are some problems with the new system,
but we will get a good grade for our effort.

March 12, 2010

Worked on module again.
Today, I was going to try and do a brown ballcap.
I was going to put "TEXAS" with orange stitching
on the side, but we were not able to do it.
We need for the item to be flat, so I'm going to
try something else. We can add vocabulary &
crosswords to our blogs for xtra points.

March 25, 2010

Today, I brought in a grey cotton t-shirt to
put some stitching on. I put the shirt on the hoop.
Once the program was set with directions I pushed
the start button. I used orange thread and spelled
out "TEXAS" in upper case and then below that I
put "Longhorns" in script letters. It turned out
really nice. I'm going to give the shirt to my
Grandpa as a surprise.

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